Thursday, September 1, 2011


Being a teamplayer has less to do with the actual tasks you take on  and more to do with how you interact with your team. Being a good team player isn't always easy. They are usually created to solve difficult problems, and they often have tight deadlines and strict budgets. There is a point in everyone's life when they have a team player. Being a team player comes naturally to some but it isn't always easy for people that have strong wills or who have been used to being in. Just always keep in mind that  strong team players care about there work. They show  care and commitment up front. They also show good effort and want others to learn from that.

Welcome by Author

    My name is Patrick. I am from Kingston Jamaica, where I grew up in the rural area of Kingston.. I was raised with three brothers in Kingston Jamaica my Mother who was father and mother she had to work very hard .She kept two jobs to make things work for us my father he was the type of man to keep more than one women. However my parents constantly fought so my father decides to leave. This is where my life  starts to be very hard now mom need me more than ever You see I am the eldest one out of four of us now there were no fathers in our life so I become the father for my brother. My mom would let me watch over my bothers, mom work so hard she also run a Deli store and she would tell me take care of business when she go to work. At this time I was the age twelve years old and my brothers their ages eleven, five and eight years of age. Life was very hard for mom still she have problems meeting her bills this leave me thinking about every  things .My father  lived not far from us, he hanged out with friends at the bar where his friends and him drink. Mom would send me to the store where I would pass my father and his friend drinking he would point to me tell his friends that’s his son. I would pass looking at him and ask myself the question-Why is life so hard? Why people do not love one another? Why people don’t love God? So I ask myself the question who is God where is God so this is where my destiny start. "Why I tell the story is to show that I’m quality only the best I produce for the environment."   How to Create a Logo Cut cast/ CUSTOM CABINET Welcome to Jonas GIFT Cards Shop. Powered by pay pal.   Atom Word.  It all started when I took the first step towards making a change; somehow I stumble on a opportunity for the first time. So I grab that chance. That’s when I establish the first Domain name & which took me to the second name infopajvitamin which lead me to. / that’s where my logo starts Saying that I created my own logo without an extra cent.  Its simple all I needed was a computer and a printer, NO special skills. In the beginning I had no computer experience. Now my web comes with a lot of opportunities. With pay pal you’re secured 100%. It’s all start with you like working from home, now I manage my own web site  I strive for the best intelligent things program and products on the market today, I pick up the idea browsing the internet while doing just that I realize the most important things is security than trust. Then see what opportunity the site offer. Read true the article. wit all of that idea I say this is what people want to read about knowing that the site offer a secure base on amazing program. That is awesome plus most important this is the best part all program sign up is free or have a very low pries sign up fee. However it’s in your own interest to move forward with your business opportunity to see what is best for you.  Thank you for your visit tells a friend. P S I'M A GENIUSES IN CABINETMAKIG           or

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Thursday, May 19, 2011


Just recently I had the opportunity to put my hands on "$365k Blog Traffic Formula"
I will tell you in a minute what this is all about, but first of all...

This is not one of those ebooks which you can find free on the Warrior Forum or on other sites.

If you always wondered what the blogosphere heavy hitters do to attract mountains of cash and generate massive traffic on a daily basis, then look no further.

The best feature in this 70-page printer-friendly PDF book is the actual content - 7 pro bloggers revealed the secret to their success, how they attract free traffic and where do they get it from.

And how this helps you?

Well, if you could just talk to one of these guys for a few minutes then you could learn one or two methods to better monetize your blogs by attracting more quality traffic.

What that means is this - you won't have to pay these pro bloggers consulting fees, you don't have to attend their seminars and you don't even have to live the comfort of your own home.

You can actually download the book immediately and implement these traffic-getting strategies to your own blogs; that's almost like stealing as the whole package costs only $37, one-time. That's less than $6 per interview.

I think you will NEVER have the chance to talk with a pro blogger for $6, not even if you only had one question to ask!

What I also like about "$365k Blog Traffic Formula" is the two additional interviews included as complimentary gifts. I think these interviews alone are worth far more than the asking price, and I'm not the only one saying that.

What I don’t like about this product is that it doesn't include an interview with my other favorite blogger [], but I guess you can't please everyone, and hopefully there'll be an add-on or version two update soon.

It’s in your best interest to put your hands on "$365k Blog Traffic Formula" today if you want to learn from the best in the field: Chris Garrett, Daniel Scocco, Darren Rowse, Jack Humphrey, Jason Katzenback, Matt Garrett, Yaro Starek